
We expedite the process of retrieving DDD files

icon 2025-01-17

Remote downloading of DDD files from digital tachographs
We expedite the process of retrieving DDD files

Downloading and archiving DDD files is an extremely crucial element for any enterprise involved in heavy-duty transportation. In accordance with current legal regulations, it is mandatory to regularly download driver card files at least once a month and mass memory tachograph files at least once every three months. In the case of a vehicle fleet comprising several hundred or even several thousand vehicles, the efficiency of the DDD file downloading process becomes a key matter.

Taking the above into consideration, we are currently working on expediting the remote downloading process of DDD files. The solution should be available for partners to use around the January/February 2024 timeframe. Once the software is released, enabling the utilization of the new mechanism, a corresponding newsletter will be sent out.

What does speeding up the DDD file downloading process entail?

The new mechanism for downloading DDD files involves that the DDD file obtained from the digital tachograph through the terminal will not be transmitted via the TCP protocol to the server, eliminating the need to wait for server confirmations for each transmitted packet. Instead, the file will be directly sent to the FTP server, aiming to streamline the process and enhance the efficiency of this stage.

The old mechanism for downloading DDD files will operate simultaneously with the new one, so there are no concerns that the current mode of operation will cease to be active after updating the terminal. Both mechanisms will coexist, allowing for a smooth transition and facilitating a gradual adaptation to the new configuration without disruptions in ongoing operations.

Downloading the DDD file directly to the FTP server will only differ in the command name – instead of the TACHOREQ command, the instruction will begin with the TACHOREQFTP command. Additionally, it will be necessary to specify the FTP server details to which the file or files are to be transmitted, using the TACHOFTP command. Introducing these parameters will enable the precise routing of files to the respective FTP server.

The authorization process, which occurs immediately after the download request, will undergo no changes and will proceed in the same manner as before.

Taking the above into consideration, the introduction of the new mechanism will not require extensive programming work. These changes can be more accurately described as cosmetic, indicating that they should not lead to significant implementation issues.

Our conducted tests have shown that the duration of the process for transferring a DDD file from the driver card has been reduced by approximately 56%, and the process of transferring a DDD file from the mass memory has been shortened by around 53% when the file is downloaded directly to the FTP server. This is in comparison to the standard procedure that transfers the DDD file via TCP.

Its worth noting that DDD files downloaded from second-generation driver cards have increased their size from approximately 26 kB to around 67 kB, and the weight of some files can even reach 123 kB. As a result, the file size of DDD between the first and second generation of driver cards has increased over fourfold. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce the download time for such files using the new mechanism.

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